5 Ways to Beat the Comparison Complex

Do you ever feel like the body you want is always just out of reach or, that there’s always somebody “better” than you?

It’s human nature to compare ourselves to others. Now, more than ever we are now living in an era where everything is accessible by our fingertips in a matter of seconds. 

Here’s how to stop those unwanted, negative feelings about your body and free yourself from the frustration of constant comparison.


You may have a specific goal such as, an ideal pant size or to bench 300 pounds. These goals or benchmarks might seem meaningful, but for some, they can take a little longer to achieve. 

By setting goals that require a certain outcome, anything that falls short can feel like a failure. Rather than focus on the end result, concentrate on completing daily actions. This will help you shift your mindset away from comparison and give you more opportunities to celebrate your successful efforts!


We often obsess over what we don’t like about our bodies. Reminding yourself what really matters in life can help dilute those negatives feelings. 

Daily journaling can give you a major mental boost with a new perspective. Do it routinely and you will transform your mindset from a place of comparison to a more appreciative state. 


Ask yourself is there a specific place, person or practice that makes you feel, “not good enough?”

It could be anything from your favorite Instagram food blogger to an advanced fitness class where you struggle to keep up. If you can put your “trigger” for self-comparison on hold, you can get the space you need to reassess your situation and decide what you really want. 


Look through your friends and who you’re following. Ask yourself whether each person or account brings you joy. If not, unfriend/unfollow! As my good friend, Robert J. Cappuccio would say, “Make your list.” Start following people who inspire you, educate you or just make you laugh. Make this your happy place! 


Having a connection with a community of people who support and uplift you is crucial! Whether it is online or in real life, sharing stories and struggles with others can build a strong connection. Genuine conversations beat silent comparison. 

Turn your attention to those who love you for who you are… and who help you love yourself. If you pay close attention, you might finally realize what they see in you.

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