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Here’s to your Independence this July 4th! Exercise, Your Fountain of Youth

Reduce your biological age and prolong your independence by starting and staying on a regular exercise program. Engaging in a consistent exercise program has been shown to assist with losing weight, decreasing body fat, lower stress and increasing energy but…reduce our biological age? Yes! This July 4th let’s celebrate our independence and find our fountain […]


I just got back from Las Vegas where for my birthday I was treated to The Beatles LOVE, Cirque Du Soleil show featuring the music of The Beatles. As I watched the show with the utmost amazement and awe I began to think about the message we heard from one of the most famous Beatles […]

Group Training

Many experiences are nicer when they are shared with someone else. Meals, movies, laughs, exercise, shopping, sightseeing, and travel are just some of the experiences that are enhanced when shared between two or more people. Sharing experiences in a group many times broadens the scope of your own perceptions of experiences because you witness others reactions, […]