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Superfood Mug Cake: Breakfast Perfection

We know that mornings can be difficult, but that’s no excuse for bypassing breakfast. It’s incredibly important to nourish your body with clean, healthy fuel when you wake up in order to rev up your metabolism and give your body the energy it needs to tackle your day! This Mug Cake recipe, courtesy of Wholly […]

Chicken and Quinoa Chili with Chocolate

Chili in the summer? Why not! And the idea of using quinoa to make it a little heartier & higher in fiber is an added bonus. We used bell peppers in the chili for added color, flavor and vitamins. One surprising ingredient added was chocolate powder, a raw vegan cacao Superfood powder. Nutritionist Sophie has an amazing raw Superfood […]

Wellness Wednesday Coaching

In Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling, a duckling was made an outcast, ostracized from the other ducklings, and was really depressed. One day he looked across the pond and saw the most magnificent creature he had ever seen, which happened to be a swan. The duckling jumped into the water to swim up to […]


These days people are trying so hard to stay away from gluten and starch based carbs. People have become so creative in coming up with recipes for pastas made from quinoa, carrots and zucchini.  Spaghetti squash is a great options at 40 calories a cup, plus added fiber, vitamins and minerals. Be sure to strain your cooked squash noodles as best […]

Social Networks and Weight Loss

What influence, if any, do our social networks have on the obesity epidemic? Researchers found that if an individual has just one friend that is obese, this increases their chances of obesity by 45%.  If they have a friend-of-a-friend that is obese, this increases their chances of obesity by 25%. And if they have a […]

Happy and Healthy Fourth of July Tips

As always, holidays should be a time to enjoy friends and family while doing fun activities. It is okay to indulge, but unnecessary to go crazy. Here are few pointers that can help you to have a happy and healthy Fourth of July: FRUIT SALADS Fruit salads are a good replacement for the heavier desserts at parties, plus strawberries […]


An experiment in the 1960s showed that children who had less impulse control also showed less scholastic aptitude later in life.  In contrast, the children that had greater impulse control demonstrated the ability to delay gratification (during the study they did this for up to 20 minutes, and thereby received double the reward). Fourteen years […]

Healthy Superfood Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Enjoy these delicious chocolate oatmeal cookies without the guilt and feel amazing knowing you are putting Superfoods into your body! This recipe was adapted from a regular cookie recipe, but was revamped with much healthier substitutes like coconut oil (a healthy fat) instead of butter. These cookies are vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, low in sugar and […]

5 Questions That Will Change Your Career Mindset

Below are 5 questions from Wellness Coach Bobby Cappuccio that will add significant value to your career and with everyone you come in contact with professionally: 1) What is it that I’m uniquely good at doing? Usually it’s something you really enjoy, something that comes to you with relative ease, something you want to do […]

Berry Bliss Superfood Granola Bars

Try these truly amazing homemade granola bars with Philosophie Superfood Berry Bliss added. They taste like you’re eating candy, but very healthy candy :). They are an easy to carry a snack and Superfood boost all in one! Berry Bliss includes amazing, highly nutritious ingredients (camu-camu – the highest antioxidant fruit in the world, acai, goji, pomegranate, mangosteen and sprouted brown […]