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21st Street Hill Circuits!

This has to be one of my favorite hill workouts to coach! One of my first track coaches took me out here for one of my first workouts! His advice, “When you throw up, lean over to the side walk so you do not get it on your team mates! ” Oh boy has our outlook on training changed. He was joking, of course! :)

Your focus during this workout is to challenge yourself at each incline and have your smile on the whole time!. Picture you are on the bottom of a hill that has three progressive inclines, each a little higher than the prior. You goal is to run hard to the top, jog it down, run 2 inclines, 1 incline and then repeat!



Santa Monica, Personal Trainer, “Make that Big Toe Contact”

My clients and athletes hear it all the time from me. It’s a mini-mantra during my personal training and group workout sessions. The other day, one of my clients came over to me and said, “What is your deal with loving the big toe?”  I took a step back (toe, heel of course) and said with a big smile on my face, “Great question! Let me explain the benefits to you!”

Think of your body as a machine – each part working together to form a fluid movement – not single muscles working in isolation. Our fascia connects one muscle to another. Where one muscle ends, another begins. These lines of fascia help you produce, reduce and disseminate forces throughout your body.

So, to keep your body running like a well-oiled machine, you can’t work on one muscle or set of muscles. There is a single fascial line that runs from your scalp all the way to the tip of your toes. When you run, for instance, all of your muscles are engaged. The tension between your toes, ankle and knee assists with glut contractions.

That means those little toes are helping you have a firmer booty! Who knew? When I think about how important that big toe is in reaching your health goals, it just makes me smile!




References: Anatomy Trains, Thomas W. Myers

4 x 3 = The toughest 30 minute Speed Style Treadmill Workout

If you have to get in and get it done. This is the treadmill workout for you! As always, just do you and find the speeds that match with your zones as described in the chart. Keep your focus on your form and run on the treadmill belt, do NOT let that treadmill belt run you!

4 x 3 is a fun workout with 4 types of run in each set of 3 total.

4 Drills, 4 Hills, 4 Track Intervals.



21st Street Hill Circuits!

This has to be one of my favorite hill workouts to coach! One of my first track coaches took me out here for one of my first workouts! His advice, “When you throw up, lean over to the side walk so you do not get it on your team mates! ” Oh boy has our outlook on training changed. He was joking, of course! :)

Your focus during this workout is to challenge yourself at each incline and have your smile on the whole time!. Picture you are on the bottom of a hill that has three progressive inclines, each a little higher than the prior. You goal is to run hard to the top, jog it down, run 2 inclines, 1 incline and then repeat!



Santa Monica, Personal Trainer, “Make that Big Toe Contact”

My clients and athletes hear it all the time from me. It’s a mini-mantra during my personal training and group workout sessions. The other day, one of my clients came over to me and said, “What is your deal with loving the big toe?”  I took a step back (toe, heel of course) and said with a big smile on my face, “Great question! Let me explain the benefits to you!”

Think of your body as a machine – each part working together to form a fluid movement – not single muscles working in isolation. Our fascia connects one muscle to another. Where one muscle ends, another begins. These lines of fascia help you produce, reduce and disseminate forces throughout your body.

So, to keep your body running like a well-oiled machine, you can’t work on one muscle or set of muscles. There is a single fascial line that runs from your scalp all the way to the tip of your toes. When you run, for instance, all of your muscles are engaged. The tension between your toes, ankle and knee assists with glut contractions.

That means those little toes are helping you have a firmer booty! Who knew? When I think about how important that big toe is in reaching your health goals, it just makes me smile!




References: Anatomy Trains, Thomas W. Myers

4 x 3 = The toughest 30 minute Speed Style Treadmill Workout

If you have to get in and get it done. This is the treadmill workout for you! As always, just do you and find the speeds that match with your zones as described in the chart. Keep your focus on your form and run on the treadmill belt, do NOT let that treadmill belt run you!

4 x 3 is a fun workout with 4 types of run in each set of 3 total.

4 Drills, 4 Hills, 4 Track Intervals.