You Shouldn’t Hate Working Out And How We Will Make Sure You Won’t

DSC_0212-e1317696654541Today, you’re feeling motivated to exercise. This time it’s going to be different. You put on your workout gear, lace up your running shoes and head to the track. You’re going to run and then you’re going to do some circuit training and soon you’ll be back in great shape. Your foot hits the ground – off to a great start.

Soon people start to pass you, your pace slows. You start feeling your chest tighten and your legs tire. A voice in your head yells, “no pain, no gain!” Suddenly, you remember why you stopped running in the first place.

You hate working out.

Sound familiar? Too often people lose motivation and give up on their fitness goals because they’re convinced they just hate to exercise. We’ve heard it all before “pain is weakness leaving your body” and “no pain, no gain.” But, is that really the way it has to be?

No. Exercise does not have to be a painful, torturous experience.

Chances are that the people who pounded these mantras into your mind are also the people who made you form a negative relationship with physical fitness. Maybe it was an over aggressive gym teacher, an athletic coach or even a personal trainer. Whatever the experience, it left you scarred and the wounds are out there on the track for everyone to see. You slink back home and retire your sneakers for another month. Maybe you’ll try again in time for summer pool parties.

It doesn’t have to be this way. I want you to love fitness. Not just exercise. I want you to love being a fit, active person. I want to inspire you to get up in the morning and lead an active life. I want you to proudly retire your first pair of shoes because they’re worn out. I’m not a drill sergeant or a gym teacher – I am your guide through health and wellness. I define programs that work for my clients: physically and emotionally.

What negative messages play in your mind when you work out? Let’s work to redefine your fitness mantra and your routine. Make it your goal to leave every workout feeling healthy and inspired. Contact me to find out how!

Natania with Pound-Rockout Workout

Lessons from a Fitness Leader: All About Your Team!

Four days before we were set to open, I woke up in my apartment downtown to a phone call. It was my then-boyfriend. He was screaming, panic shaking in his voice. “GET OUT! GET OUT OF THERE NOW! SOMEBODY’S ATTACKED TO WORLD TRADE CENTER!”

PicMonkey Collage98.pngI started as a personal trainer when I was 18 – right out of college. I was living on my own and it wasn’t a lot of money – I was literally living off eggs and cans of tuna. But none of that mattered: I loved it. I always wanted to do something I was passionate about, and this way of helping people just felt like the right fit. For the first time in my life, I felt a sense of purpose, a niche, an industry in which I truly felt I could make a difference.


In those early years I decided to learn everything I could about every aspect of the fitness business. Personal training, sales, management, the list goes on. Long story short, I ended up thriving in management and was swiftly promoted to a position in which I’d be opening up a club in Downtown NYC, right around the corner from Wall Street. It was only my second position as manager, so of course I wanted to knock everyone’s socks off! I recruited an amazing team and set our grand opening date: September 15th, 2001. Everyone was so excited, and the buzz was getting out that we were starting something special.

“I had no idea how life changing this experience was truly about to become.” 

Four days before we were set to open, I woke up in my apartment downtown to a phone call. It was my then-boyfriend. He was screaming, panic shaking in his voice. “GET OUT! GET OUT OF THERE NOW! SOMEBODY’S ATTACKED TO WORLD TRADE CENTER!” I ran to turn on the tv – a cable-less antique from the 70s with bunny-ear antennae – and all I could see were these vague, fuzzy images of the towers burning. I looked out my window and saw people running down the street covered in soot. Was this real?

I didn’t have time to think: I ran to leave and was met by dozens of people storming the stairwell yelling “get in!” It was pure chaos, unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life. As I ran back up to my apartment, the second tower was hit. I looked out my window. The towers fell. And all I could see in front of me was pitch black. And for the first time in my life, I dropped to my knees and prayed.

The following days were like a war zone outside. The soot, the smell, the eerie silence in the streets. My club’s opening was obviously delayed, so we went around town from club to club helping where we could. Yet there was nothing we could do. No one wanted to train, no one was coming in. And I was the one responsible for keeping the morale up. I felt all but defeated, sobered by the events around me and the now seemingly unrealistic image for our launch I had created in my mind.

The night before opening, we all sat in my furniture-less office together. How can I motivate my team? I thought. So all I asked was one question: “What do you see for this opening tomorrow?” I was expecting somber responses – attempts at positivity, suggestions to keep it small and non-obtrusive in light of all the horrible events around us. This is how I was feeling on the inside, and I was sure my team felt the same.

Out of nowhere, I saw Gennaro, a tiny Italian bodybuilding machine start to get excited, his eyes lighting up and talking a mile a minute. “We need to make this HUGE, Natania!” he exclaimed. “We need tables outside, music–“

And then Will, the smooth-talker with the deep voice, chimed in, Yeah, Natania, we gotta make this town ours!”

“Oh my gosh yes! Let’s put up balloons” bubbly Danielle suggested as she rattled off color schemes and arrangements.

As my team excitedly brainstormed, I sat there in awe. At that point,

“I realized that success and fulfillment in this business is all about who you surround yourself with. People who add. People who have a similar vision and passion. People who see possibility. “



Water Street, NYC Fitness Team 2001

Needless to say, our club went on to become #1 in the entire corporation. But the bigger takeaway was that the experience defined what I now feel fitness is about. Our club’s success, and my success as a manager, was about the stellar team we had and where their focus was. Each one of them focused on what they could give, not what they were getting. Not what was going on with them. And when you come from a place of service – coupled with surrounding yourself with the right people – that is where you find the biggest rewards.

 When I created Vision Fitness, I did not want it to be under my name. I did not want it to be about me. It’s not about me, and it’s not about picking a name for my business that is simply catchy. It’s about YOUR vision. Not mine. I now find myself training clients one-on-one and teaching group fitness, working under both Vision Fitness and for multiple fitness facilities in the Los Angeles area. I love group fitness, and some people ask me why I made the “switch.” I always emphasize that I did not switch: I just expanded my focus. And somewhere down the line I realized that it is a different way to give, and give to many people at a time.

 I love my students and I love my colleagues. They are both inspirational and aspirational. I want to reach the masses. My motive for being in the industry is all about the way people are affected after they leave me. It’s about your growth, your way, and the way we’re working past your obstacles together.


Tough but Not Tougher than You! Embracing Hill Sprints!

Every time I call it out to the team, we have Hill Sprints today! There is a moment of groans. Then, the challenge begins. We have this sort of Love, Hate relationship with hills. Hill sprints have to be one of, if not the most challenging facets to physical conditioning and training there is. Many avoid them or neglect to do them because they hurt. I for one, seemed to always not be able to make it to track practice on the days we were on the steepest hills, I still to this day say by chance, wink, wink :) !  A simple hypothesis really. The love comes at the finish and at the view from the top. It is the “tough” I that makes it so great. At the end of the day, they are tough but, not tougher than us!


Here are some more reasons to  EMBRACE Hill Sprints courtesy of

The 80 Day Challenge:


I think I would be hard pressed to find a form of training that is more effective at drastically improving body composition and better at torching fat than hill sprints. Pretty much every muscle in the body is called upon to power you up that hill (none more so than the big muscles in your hips, legs and gluts.) The power, strength and speed required to get you up that incline triggers a release of lactic acid into the muscles which in-turn brings HGH (amongst others) into play, a mighty fat burning hormone.

In addition the high intensity of hill work also brings EPOC (excess post oxygen consumption) to the table. This is the effect that will keep your metabolism running high for a sustained period (up to 24-48 hours after the work is done). Often referred to as the “after burn” effect. Those beautiful glowing faces we have at the end of our Tread & Shred classes is an indication our fire will keep burning on in to the day and night!

Some hill sprints in conjunction with solid nutrition, aerobic fitness and regular strength training and the lean you will be here in no time.

Cardiovascular Efficiency 

There is little explanation needed really. Running is generally a cardiovascular tool. So try running, then try running up a hill. Your heart and lungs will be in overdrive. In keeping with the simplicity of the previous point, Hill work will create an enormous demand on your energy systems (both aerobically and anaerobically). The more you do the more efficient you body will become at converting and utilizing its fuel.
Safety first
On the hill you can’t reach maximum speed because tiredness and gravity are holding you back. This in collaboration with a forward leaning posture and focus on good form keeps you on the safer side.  Not only does hitting the hill protect your muscles, but it will save your joints too. The hill sprinting technique also gives us less opportunity to lift our feet as high off the ground and so saves on the pounding that flat sprints promote.
Overuse? Not an issue
Because of the high intensity that hill sprints provide, you can usually only perform a handful before you are toast (unless you are those special few). Your muscles are required to work super hard but the briefness of the workout means that the overuse (and therefore, injuries) that both muscles and joints get in longer workouts such as road running, etc., don’t occur here. You are still using your cardiovascular system to the max too, so getting the fitness aspect as well as the strength and speed is a great positive.
Fits just right
The following example was one I read online (source; and it just seemed like a simple and effective way to translate this.
If you try and throw a bowling ball as far as you can it won’t go very far because the mass/force is simply too great.

If you try and throw a wiffle ball as far as you can it won’t go very far because the mass/velocity is simply too minimal.

However a baseball offers the perfect mixture of both force and velocity and therefore travels far.

Hill sprints offer the same advantages. They provide an effective bridging platform between strength and speed. Easy-peasy.

Let’s get sprinting up those hills! Give it a try…

Below is a sample program from one of our Treadmill classes. I prefer the hills outside for the view

If you would like to attend one of our Treadmill Classes or join our Run Club to bring it outdoors, message us today! 

Hill Sprints

Santa Monica Personal Trainer – See RESULTS this year & keep them!

We all have those days when we can’t seem to get the motivation for a workout every once in a while— time crunch; your tired, bored and need to switch it up. With the New Year upon us, creating a plan to get you to your goals this year and avoid one of these roadblocks is one of your first steps to take!  My goal as your trainer is to not only get you results, but also keep you there, life long!  Creating a program that is designed with your needs, wants and also “likes” will get you there and keep you there!

How do we do this? Ask the right questions when we get started! This gives me valuable feedback in creating your program. Here are some examples:

When you need to reduce stress do you ideally enjoy activities that are exciting, adventurous and give you a chance to blow off steam, or activities that are relaxing?

“Do you enjoy exercise more often when it involves a routine that you can adhere to or one that offers variety?”  PTA GLOBAL

From your answers two these questions I can gather how to design your weekly plan and fill it with exercise that gets you results, that you look forward to, and keeps you coming back for more!



For example, if you enjoy variety, interaction, being on sport teams, what I suggest is the combination of working with me, their trainer/coach in addition to taking group fitness classes they enjoy. I love this combination for my clients and see the greatest results! In this, I know my clients are going to get in the movement they need and “like” even on the days we are not together. These classes aren’t jazzercise classes from the 80’s.(Even though this gal still loves these!)


Think tough boot camp, weight lifting classes, metabolic conditioning, yoga, stretch, power nap and many others. Based on your goals these classes are intended to get your heart rate up, your muscles burning, lengthen- such as Yoga or Pilates and even provide recovery.








My roles as a trainer/coach is to work with my client, in helping them continue to enjoy their exercise program. I act as a guide by the side with my clients towards their goals so they stay with their program long after they have stopped training with me!

I am not by any means suggesting that personal training is not fun and extremely valuable in helping you reach your goals safely and effectively all the days of the week. Heck, I have been a Personal Trainer or over 16 years. What I am suggesting is consider something else—why not cross train and take a group fitness or group personal training class instead on alternate days? Try something new this year!

We love these benefits also:

  • Great escape from your regular routine.
  • Get just as good of a workout in comparison to running, but also work your body in new ways that running doesn’t.
  • With other people around you and an instructor telling you what to do, you are likely to push yourself a little bit harder than if you were in the weight room or running solo.Take weight lifting or sculpting classes and you’ll become a stronger and faster runner.
  • You get into class and out in usually an hour and you’ve gotten your workout in for the day. Plus, you’re less likely to skip out early with others around.

If you have a gym membership at Equinox check out the classes they offer—these are some of my favorites plus I get to see you there!

Happiness & Health,



Battle Stress and Win with Exercise in Your Corner!

In the spirit and thought of some meaningful conversations I have had with my clients this week, I would like to share some thoughts on stress and exercise. In our weeks filled with those “good stressors” that provoke us to move forward towards our goals, there are those moments when stress can have us move backwards. One of the steps in reaching your goals is having the knowledge or understanding of how to get there. Another step, and probably one of the most important  is then taking action towards your goals with that knowledge.

The best partner to have in your corner with your battle against stress is exercise.  How you react and choose to deal with stress can make the difference in you reaching your fitness goals. Breaking the pattern that stress can create on your body is important in ensuring you steer clear of chronic stress. Chronic stress can have harmful and negative effects on your mind and body.  The key is in how you respond. By making the choice to choose active coping with exercise, it can control the emotional and physical feelings of stress.

We all know that movement does the body good, but you find yourself too stressed with your everyday life to fit it in. By taking the time to schedule your exercise on a weekly basis not only will you assist with relieving stress, but also in achieving an overall sense of wellness in your life.

Some stress busting benefits of exercise are:

1)     Movement Meditation When you start moving and focusing on something else you immediately start shedding the thoughts and worries of your day. Exercise can relax the tension in your muscles signaling to the brain that it can relax too.

2)     Pumps those FEEL good ENDORPHINES: When you exercise you increase production of neurotransmitters in the brain known as endorphins.  This gives you a sense of focus and energy.

3)     Combat cravings for carbohydrates and fats- After a stressful event the body often craves simple carbohydrates and fat. Our typical response after a stressful event or day is to want to take a break. The difference is in how you choose to take that break. Do you take the break in comfort foods like sugars, quick fats and alcohol? Exercise provides a substitution. It can replace the craving that is self-defeating for your overall wellness and free you up to continue towards you ideal self.

Quick Stress Relieving Ideas: Try some speed ladder drills, a quick walk around the block, a few minutes with a jump rope, a set of jumping jacks, some flights of stairs.

Snap your mind out of the stress cycle; join a health club that offers a variety of group classes to keep it fun and interesting. Hire a personal trainer and wellness coach. Money is a strong motivator to keep you on schedule and create healthy habits.  When you work with a Private Trainer that is also a Wellness Coach you partner together to come up with effective ways to accomplish your weekly goals.

When you exercise as a response to stress in your life it is your winning partner to your psychology and wellbeing. First, you initiated it and second it is predictable. With this, you get a sense of belief and self-confidence in your ability to manage stress. You can choose to react by having exercise in your corner and win the battle against stress and the negative effects it can have on your life.

What is the next action you need to take?

Personal Training vs. Group Fitness Classes to Reach Your Goals?

Last week I was walking through the gym floor at one of the clubs where I teach group fitness classes. I heard someone yelling my name. I turned my head and there was a woman waving and jumping up and down. She ran over to me from across the room and said, “Do you remember me?” I was in your class years ago in San Francisco. You were the first person that helped me get started as a personal trainer!”

To be honest, I looked at her and for the life of me could not recognize her. Now before I started to doubt my memory, I remembered to give myself a little credit here…from the late 1990s to early 2000s, I had the opportunity to work with a fitness certification company, traveling the country teaching and presenting course material to new trainers looking to get certified. There must have been thousands of students I had met throughout those years.

Our conversation began with her telling me all she has accomplished within her personal training business. She had renewed all of her certifications she had received since then and added several more.  She also still reviews the notes and video supplements from the workshops I taught. I have to admit, it did make me feel good: I loved coaching and training future trainers. It was great to hear all of her accomplishments and the clients she has helped. That was one of the many reasons I loved teaching.

She finally asked what I was doing in the club. I told her with pride, “I teach group fitness classes here!” She looked at me with a blank stare.

“Really? Why are you doing that?” I think group fitness hurts more people than it helps. I tell my clients it is better to focus on your form and keep it safe than go crazy in a class. Why did you trade sides?”

 Thought to self, GULP! “Trade sides!!!??” Natania…deep breath…it would NOT be good to go all Brooklyn on her….



I smiled back and simply said, I have actually found it to be just as beneficial for some people, if not better, in reaching their goals. It makes me happy and helps more of those around me.“

We said our goodbyes, but I had a feeling I was not her favorite instructor anymore (something I’ve learned not to take personally from teaching Group Fitness all over town).




I started my career in fitness as a personal trainer over 16 years ago. Proper form, technique and the science of my programming were some of the most important things to me when I first started training clients. I used to walk by Group Fitness studios and think, “What the ^*#% are they doing in there?!” I looked in the room and all I saw was bad form and injuries waiting to happen.

What I did not notice at the time was all the smiles on the faces of everyone in the room and the group of people that kept coming back each week for their exercise. As I continued to travel across the country for work, my classes on personal training education would consist primarily of trainers…but there were also times we would have group fitness instructors join in. And I have to tell you – the days when the GF instructors were present I never felt so much energy, passion and curiosity in the room. Not necessarily in regards to what was right or wrong, but on how they could take this information, break it down and make an experience for their participants. How they could make it safe, fun and have them coming back for more.


I believe group fitness had it on the mark all the time. We as trainers are all, just now, catching on.



I am not by any means suggesting that personal training is not fun or not extremely valuable in helping you reach your goals safely and effectively. I believe everyone should have a trainer and/or coach. But in the same vein, I am not saying that in group fitness classes, proper form and progression are not emphasized. In fact, I have worked with some coaches and instructors that have their students performing with better form in the studio than on the fitness floor. What I AM suggesting is that one should complement the other. I am suggesting that clients work with their personal trainers AS WELL as take group fitness classes and/or teams, exercise programs they enjoy.

One of the things I do with my clients the first time we meet is figure out what days we are going to train and what days they would like to take group classes. In this, I know my clients are going to get in an activity they need, in addition to the days we are together. I love this combination for my clients! My goal as their trainer is not to make them dependent on me, but to guide them through the journey by finding the exercise they like and learn how to keep it going life-long. If we have not trained together yet, I would love to meet with you to get you going on a program that helps you reach your goals while enjoying every step of the process!

I will continue to look positively toward the future, and to my friends I have met (and will meet) in the gym for inspiration, motivation, and the teamwork I hope is growing between all departments. If you have a gym membership at a health club or studio, check out the classes they offer. Some of my favorite classes are at Equinox and Ocean Spa & Fitness (plus I get to see you there)!  And if you don’t belong to a gym, I coach a group personal training class at Santa Monica beach…best of both worlds! The next one is starting up soon, so contact me if you would like to join in this round! The group is limited to 5 people.

The fitness industry is a small world – everyone knows each other. I like to think we are working more as a team than as separated departments. I believe we are, and are growing away from the belief that there is only one way to help clients get to their goals. Because the truth is – contrary to the beliefs of that former student – we’re all on the same side.


LIFE BALANCE: Putting YOU at the Heart & Health of Your Life!

In following our mission this week in continuing to put a little more focus on our heart this week , we are really excited about this guest blogger and new partner for Vision Fitness and Wellness:



LISA BRISSE – Owner & Founder, State of the Heart Fitness
Exercise Physiologist, Heart Coach, Inspirational Life Speaker, Writer




I don’t know about you but I hate the times in my life when I feel like I’m on a hamster wheel, running here and there and everywhere in my desperate attempt to “catch up” on all I have to “do”. Yet, no matter how much I do, there’s always more to do! Ugh! Do you ever feel that this is how you’re living your life… always? It’s no wonder why we feel exhausted, chronically fatigued, stressed, overweight and out of balance! And maybe questioning – like Peggy Lee once sang – “Is that all there is?” to life?

Nope! That’s NOT all there is! Yay! I am happy to say that over the years, I feel like I have learned a few things in helping to keep myself and my life in balance. Not to say, I don’t still have those hamster wheel moments here and there, but it’s fewer and further between.

When we think of our lives being in balance, we sometimes can’t even imagine what that looks like or how it feels. Yet, if balance and equilibrium is what the body strives for and experiences – if allowed to be in it’s natural state – why don’t we experience it more as well as optimal health to go along with it? I think we all know the answer to that. Because WE get in our way!

I love the quote, “Balance is that place where no effort is required.” – Rajpur

Yes… or as I like to say, “where effort feels effortless.”

Imagine living your life feeling deeply happy, at peace, with energy and inspiration… and of course, with good health! That’s what happens when we learn to live our lives in BALANCE. And it is absolutely achievable in every moment of our every day.

This coming Monday, February 18th, I am doing an inspiring talk at the Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel from 6-7 pm called, “LIFE BALANCE: Putting YOU at the Heart & Health of Your Life.”

It is open to everyone so I hope you can make it.

For information on how to RSVP, here it is:
Putting You at the Heart & Health of Your Life

Monday, February 18th
Room 631, Loews Hotel
Cost: $12
Complimentary to Loews members & Hotel Guests!

MUST RSVP by calling 310.899.4046 or E-mail at

Hope to see you all there!  NOTE:  I will be do a video recording of my talk so if you’re not able to attend, let me know if you’re interested in accessing the talk via video at a later date.

Life is too short to not live it in balance!  Let’s learn the simple steps to making that happen… together!



Heart Health Myths BUSTED!

Valentine’s Day provides the perfect reminder to put a little more focus on our heart – you know, work up a sweat, get your pulse racing… via fitness and exercise, of course (wink, wink!). Don’t let this holiday overshadow another very important red-themed movement happening – Go RED for Women! Guys – this applies to you because I know you have a wife, mother, friend or loved one in your life of the female persuasion. We tend to forget about heart disease with the focus on breast, lung, and ovarian cancers in the media. Heart disease kills more women than these combined, but the sad fact is that very few women see themselves at risk for heart disease.


As a personal trainer and wellness coach, it is my mission to help you live a long and healthy life, squeezing as much as you can from each moment! Below are a few myths we’re going to bust about women and heart disease.

Myth #1

Heart attacks only happen to old people. I’m too young…

Heart trouble can start as early as childhood. The positive news: you have some control over your risk, since more than 80 percent of all heart disease in women is avoidable. In fact, taking protective measures in your 20s, 30s, or 40s can help lower your odds of developing heart problems by as much as 60 percent. Start at any age and don’t let the “I’ll do it later” mentality win out when it comes to taking control of your health.

Myth #2

I can change my habits… later.

Believe it or not, heart trouble can start surprisingly early. Several studies have found that a large number of young people have early buildup of cholesterol in their arteries. Researchers recommend making healthy lifestyle choices, such as not smoking, drinking within moderate limits, exercising daily, and eating a healthy diet. The earlier you start to alter your habits, the easier it will be to maintain a healthy heart throughout your life.

Myth #3

The numbers only apply to guys.

Make an appointment with your doctor for a complete physical with lab work in your twenties to get your baseline numbers. “The important thing at this time is becoming aware of your personal risks,” says Sharonne N. Hayes, MD, director of the Women’s Heart Clinic at the Mayo Clinic. If you have any risk factors, talk to your doctor about ways to lower them through diet and exercise. The important numbers to know include blood pressure, your BMI, cholesterol, triglycerides and your fasting blood sugar.

Myth #4

I don’t need to worry about family history because I workout.

A first-degree female relative (a mother or a sister) who has a heart attack at age 65 or younger increases your risk of heart disease. The same holds true if a male relative has suffered a heart attack at age 55 or younger, she says. Don’t panic if you have a strong family history of heart disease. Lifestyle changes – diet, exercise and reducing your stress level – can significantly lower your risk.

Myth #5

Heart-healthy foods are hard to find (and a pain to cook!).

Nix the Friday night pizza fest and slide in a few more veggies; ditch sugar-laden cereals for oatmeal or other whole grains, which add fiber, helping to shuttle cholesterol out of your bloodstream. Other heart-friendly foods include blueberries, kale, strawberries, spinach, brussels sprouts, plums, broccoli, beets, oranges, and red grapes. All contain high levels of antioxidants, which help prevent hardening of the arteries. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseed, protect against inflammation, another heart disease risk factor.

What else can you do?


For starters, if you’re smoking, kick that habit.


If you’re exercising, keep it up.


Need to start exercising? Here’s a little motivation:

You can make exercise a habit at any decade. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine reports that both walking and vigorous exercise can reduce cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke in women, regardless of their age, BMI, or race. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most, if not all, days. If you don’t have time for 30 minutes straight, break it up: Take a 15-minute walk at lunch and then another one after dinner. There’s also an advantage to finding time for intervals throughout the work day.

And if all else fails on your own, you can always hire a personal trainer or wellness coach!

Santa Monica Personal Trainer – The 4-Minute Miracle Workout!

I get this question every time I introduce this type of training  to a client or group fitness class. My short and sweet answer is, “It’s a form of interval training,” I bite my tongue to keep it simple but, would love to explain how it so much more! So, here I go…

“Tabata” is the name of a particular type of workout program that provides similar health benefits to that of cardio workouts, but Tabata has a bit more spice and fun…just the way we like our exercise! Instead of hours upon hours or exercise, one Tabata can be completed in 4 minutes. Tabata falls under the category of high intensity training or high intensity interval training. However, it can be catered to any level! The routine can include a variety of exercises.However, you achieve better results when choosing an exercise that works the entire body or all major muscle groups. Tabata interval training is an intense alternative to long cardiovascular sessions, and using equipment while exercising is optional.

Tabata Training

 How did Tabata come about?

Tabata was founded by a Japanese scientist named Izumi Tabata and his fellow colleagues at aDepartment of Physiology in Japan. Izumi and his fellow scientists decided to conduct a study to compare moderate intensity training with high intensity training.

He conducted the tests on 2 groups of athletes.  Group One used the moderate intensity interval training  while Group Two used high intensity interval training similar to Tabata.

What were the results of the tests?

In both groups measurements in both the aerobic and anerobic capacities were measured.  Anerobic capacity is the ability to expend energy without using excessive oxygen, which build stamina and prevents muscle fatigue.

Group 1 had a significant increase in the aerobic system (cardiovascular system). However, the anaerobic system (muscles) gained little or no results at all.

Group 2 showed much improvement in all their athletes. Their aerobic systems increased much more than that of Group One, and their anaerobic systems increased by 28%.

Conclusion? Not only did high intensity interval training have more of an impact on the aerobic systems; it had an impact on the anaerobic systems as well.

Why I love Tabata!!

images (3)If I was to give you instructions to start running at your best effort, ” give it your all”, “ready, set go!” What do you think this experience would be like for you? Think about your outlook, effort level and enjoyment? What if I told you instead that all I wanted you to do is run your hardest but, for only 20 seconds? Now, what do you think this experience would be like for you? If I was to guess and, also based on others feedback,  it would be a better experience and workout. Then if I told you to run your best and give no time limit and/or even for a prolonged period of time.   20 seconds is a SMART goal! It’s Specific effort.You can Measure it by the time.Its Actionbound and Realistic in that Task.  You can do almost anything for 20 seconds with certainty.

Finding exercise you love and keeps you coming back is my goal for you! Here is a sample workout for Tabata. Want more  more workout ideas, join the Vision Club to get monthly workouts, playlists and cardio routines. Tabata Workout

 To sample a Tabata training session or join a group class contact me today!

You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, just literally 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery, and I promise you something great will come of it.” -Benjamin Mee




Santa Monica Personal Trainer – Reaching Your Fitness Goals, 5 Minutes at a Time!

Stephen was a squash coach as well as a private trainer at the fitness center I was employed at in 2005. I was new to my position as manager at that location. In my hectic days while sitting at my desk,  typing away, responding to emails, shuffling papers, in and out of meetings and calls, Stephen would always find the time to pop his head in the door right in the middle of all the hustle every morning, He would say with the biggest smile on his face, “ Good Morning Bosses!” I would stop what I was doing, look up at the doorway, and there he would be peaking in through the door. I would stop, smile and wish him a great morning as well. I am grateful to this day for the pause he gave to my day!

Dejected business woman at her desk

I have to admit, I was curious as to why this man had such a smile and happy demeanor each and every day, and, went out of his way to spread it? But, at the time, I had a curiosity for what it was that kept this man so positive and cheerful day after day.  I soon found out that Stephen was diagnosed in 2004 with stage 4 colorectal Cancer. Despite this, he showed up to work every day with a smile on his face, positive demeanor and focus with his clients. He fought until the end of his battle in 2008.


In his last weeks, I had the pleasure of visiting him at his home, being by his side. One of the many questions I asked him was, what he thought was the key to keeping him alive all these years. He looked me straight in the eyes and said,

“ It’s movement Natania. “ I get up and move, exercise everyday.  As long as I am moving, I am living!”  



To this day, I share this with my clients, and follow this myself.




Cancer is close to my heart, as perhaps as it is to many.  I have had family members, friends and my soon to be husband’s mother all pass from this disease with many years of happy memories left to create in their lives.

As a fitness professional, working in the field of health preservation, I look to have an active role in the ongoing movement to our cure. I have the privilege to call some of my very dear clients, survivors of this disease, each and every day. I have the opportunity to be by their side. I feel blessed. I guess I hope in some way, I can make a difference for them and for our future. Through my efforts in health preservation I want to keep the spirit alive of those  that passed and have enriched my life.

This month, a new report out shows that cancer deaths are continuing to fall. That’s the good news! The bad news is that there are two increasingly common causes of cancer with one of them being obesity. The report also says that obesity underlies a third of the cancer cases.

I can easily continue this blog with tips on how to be active, eat healthy and look to make lifestyle changes.  At this time, I am not going to do that. What I am going to do is pass on the wisdom that Stephen left and give that to those looking to get started if not continue on their journey through health and wellness. The simplicity in his message I hope can resonate to any individual looking to start an exercise program.

“I had a 12-hour operation in October, went down to 130lbs and was on my back for 17 days. I had little or no movement and thought I’d never play sport again, least of all my other favorite sport, Ice Hockey.”

“But as a health professional you’re aware of the patience you need, so I slowly climbed the ladder of improvement, starting with 10 minutes exercise a day, increasing so that I now play an hour a day, coach squash, live my full life, and even my golf handicap is improving!

“I still have treatment every two weeks, but I sincerely hope my approach to my difficulties will be an example to anyone who experiences dramatic trauma of whatever magnitude. 

“Never give up, and look to enjoy every aspect of life, even five minutes at a time …”

                 Stephen Cox,  July 2007stephencox1