Tecar Therrapy

The modern way to create change in your tissue for pain relief, improved movement and speed up healing.

1/2 the time getting to deeper layers of fascia

REHABILITATION IS 2X FASTER! when combined with therapy techniques

Your time is valuable!

Get the benefit of bodywork/Massage in less time and with more benefits. Decrease pain, Restore Mobility, Increase metabolism!

Target one area using Tecar Therapy with Bodywork to get maximum benefit while saving you time.

Quickly warm up tissue to get to deeper layers and boost the healing process.

Increase intra and extracellular exchanges and a diathermic effect on your fascia!


Tecar (Transfer of Energy Capacitive and Resistive) therapy is a method that stimulates the body by using radio waves, which allows the body to heal by creating heat inside of it. This method uses a combination of both diathermy and electrotherapy; however, it does not result in muscle contraction like other forms of electrotherapy. The nerve stimulation of tecar therapy eases inflammation, which results in the reduction of pain.

It is a diathermy (i.e. deep tissue thermotherapy) therapeutic modality, therefore it uses increases in local body tissue temperature, in combination with subthermal application to promote the body’s healing response.[1]

TECAR© technology is non-ablative, non-invasive, using currents of high frequency, usually in the range between 300 KHz and 1 Mhz. It can work in two modes of energy transfer: [2]

  • Capacitive mode: affects tissues with higher electrolytic content (soft tissues and muscles)
  • Resistive mode: affects tissues with higher resistance (joint, bone, tendon)

More effective treatments with TECAR current

With a range of frequencies from 300 to 500KHz, BACK1 targets the deepest tissues (ligaments, bones, joints, tendons) to address all fields of treatment.

Discover technologies for enhanced treatments and lasting results. Better pain management. Faster recovery. Gentler patient experience.

tecartherapy has three effects to accelerate rehabilitation.

It makes the plasma membrane permeable, stimulating intra- and extracellular exchanges.

Relieve pain

Inhibits the transmission of pain messages by saturating nociceptors. The result? An immediate & lasting pain relief enabling therapists to work more smoothly et efficiently.

Study: Bretelle F, Fabre C, Golka M, Pauly V, Roth B, Bechadergue V, Blanc J. (2020) Capacitive-resistive radiofrequency therapy to treat postpartum perinal pain: a randomized study. PLoS One, 15(4):e0231869.4

Restore movement

Increases temperature helping to release muscle tension and improve vascularization to make movement easier. Gain freedom and range of motion.

Study: Lee H-r, Shim J-h, Oh D-w. (2017) Effects of high-frequency diathermy integrated into suboccipital release on tenderness and neck mobility and disability in people with chronic tension-type headache. Physical Therapy Korea, 24(2):37-47

Boost metabolism

Stimulates intra and extracellular exchanges. The natural resistance of biological tissues increases, creating diathermy which is used by the vascular/lymphatic system.

Study: Clijsen R, Leoni D, Schneebeli A, Cescon C, Soldini E, Li L, Barbero M. (2020) Does the application of Tecar therapy affect temperature and perfusion of skin and muscle microcirculation? A pilot feasibility study on healthy subjects. J Altern Complement Med, 26(2):147-153.