Los Angeles Rolfing® Structural Integration
Rolfing is a whole system approach that reorganizes and gently sculpts the connective tissues, called fascia, that permeate the entire body.
Named after its founder, Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Rolfing® Structural Integration is a powerful system of deep tissue bodywork. Rolfing goes much deeper than traditional massage. It is a systematic approach to improving human structure and well-being.
“This is the goal of Rolfing: when the body is working properly, the force of gravity can flow through it. Then, spontaneously, the body heals itself”
-Ida P Rolf
The Power in the Rolfing System is that it takes a look at the whole system and person. In other forms of bodywork the focus might be on just relaxation, or just fixing an issue in your joints, spine and tissue. Rolfing is more than massage, bodywork, Physical Therapy and Chiropractic – it takes all of these views into account. That is why often Rolfer’s work to collaborate with and refer out to these physicians.
What is your Body really telling you?
Is it a sharp pain in the low back when you bend over to tie your shoe? Or a persistent neck ache that’s aggravated by long periods of sitting? If tension, constriction and pain have become chronic in your life, it’s an important signal. – a signal that your body is struggling with a structural imbalance. Often years in the making, such imbalances can arise from poor postural habits and accumulated stress. Or they may occur suddenly as the result of physical injury or traumatic incident in which tissues are stretched beyond their limits. Whatever, the cause, treating symptoms rarely brings lasting results. While massage or medication may give you some temporary relief, the tension, inflammation and pain inevitably return.
That’s why millions of people have turned to the Rolfing method over the past 40 years.
It’s hands on approach to releasing deeply ingrained patterns of tension and strain has been highly effective in treating everything from neck and back pain to impaired mobility, repetitive stress injuries and other chronic tension.
The Rolfing method goes well beyond conventional therapies and other forms of bodywork to balance the body in gravity for permanent relief. What’s more, many people find the Rolfing experience to be an excellent way to keep their bodies flexible and adaptable – able to meet the daily stresses and changing demands of life. In fact, professional athletes and dancers have long used the Rolfing method to enhance their performance.
What Results can you expect from rolfing?
For over four decades, Rolfing integration has brought lasting results from chronic conditions of all kinds while promoting an enhanced sense of vitality and well-being in people of al ages and walks of life. Not only does this Rolfing process help you avoid the degenerative effects that arise when you are out of balance with gravity, it also enables you to let go and experience new sensitivity toward your body and the physical world. Rolfing clients also frequently achieve greater psychological and emotional well-being. It has helped people in psychotherapy gain more direct connection to their emotional life. And for many, it has deepened practices of meditation, yoga, tai chi and other mind body disciplines.
As years of old postural habits, injuries and the physical manifestations of emotional traumas give way to new patterns and experiences through Rolfing structural work, your body begins to take a new form and shape. At ease with your body and balanced in gravity, your experience an enhanced sense of flexibility and freedom. and best of all, your body is better able to adapt to life’s demands and stresses in a way that doesn’t results in physical constriction, tension and injury.
Most people come to their Rolfing session with a list of complaints, aches, pains, some minor and some symptomatic and indicative of deeper structural trouble. While they are aware of the discomfort associated with their troubles, they are often unaware of the more subtle body sensations that would give them the ability to consciously alter their physical co-ordination and relieve some of their aches and pains.
During the Rolfing series, as restricted tissues are released and new movements become possible, greater body awareness is accessed. You can expect that the combination of freedom from physical restriction and greater self awareness will result in new patterns of coordination and reduced strain at the sites of the pain.
Rolfing aims to restore flexibility, revitalize your energy and leave you feeling more comfortable in your body.
Rolfing SI can potentially resolve discomfort, release tension and alleviate pain.
The genius of the work rests on Dr. Rolf’s insight that the body is more at ease and functions most effectively when its structure is balanced in gravity.
Rolfing Bodywork is the only manipulative system whose ultimate goal is to evoke higher integrated and efficient ways of moving that enable your body to remain effortlessly balanced in gravity.
Rolfing® Structural Integration
Optimize Fitness & Performance
People are realizing the importance of treating their bodies well and the direct connection that treatment has on the quality of their lives. Even if you’re working with trainers, exercising faithfully and doing all the “right” things, and are fully committed to your fitness and weight loss efforts, you’re probably missing a key component: Rolfing Structural Integration. READ MORE
weight loss
If losing weight or looking a little bit slimmer will help you live a healthier and fuller life, then it’s a reasonable goal, among others, to pursue in a life that will finally have been testament to the sum of your directed energies. Rolfing can help you lose weight...READ MORE
Body Contouring
Through a combination of hands and other contouring treatments your body is re-aligned. The work is profound, in large part because fascia is malleable, and it’s inclined to do what it’s told. READ MORE
cellulite reduction
If you read up on cellulite, you’ll learn that fascia, that thin connective tissue that Rolfers release, is what holds the fat that creates the cellulite. If the fascia remains tight and thick, the fat can’t burn away. READ MORE
Back Pain
“Those dissatisfied with other back pain treatments often consult a Rolfer™, whose unique premises and methods are often effective in reducing pain and dysfunction when other approaches have failed.” READ MORE
corporate wellness
Overall cost savings to the company in such areas as turnover, unemployment costs, health insurance, training, and productivity are estimated to be about $2,500/employee/year. Certified Advanced Rolfer™ Working On-Site Helps to Reduce Problems Related to …READ MORE
A common misunderstanding about Rolfing SI is that its main value is in correcting long-standing structural patterns. However, Rolfing SI can also serve as an effective prophylactic measure to reverse potentially problematic patterns in children. READ MORE